Transportation companies, as well as their clients, must know what the safe custody of cargo is. As for the truck driver, the responsible storage for him starts after the cargo is loaded from the sender’s warehouse. When something is damaged in the warehouse, but the cargo owner has the document which proves the safe custody, everything will be compensated.
The clients who use the service of expedited shipping, consider this service as a profitable one. Different people or organizations are responsible for the goods after they are received from the producer. Arrangement of responsible storage becomes the main document. It includes the storage conditions, the description of the goods, and other important pieces of information. This service is relevant for people who often cooperate with transportation companies.
There is no classification of the warehouses, which provide responsible storage. The types of such warehouses can be divided into the following groups:
- Automatized terminals that are built with logistics requirements met;
- Reequipped old warehouses;
- Insulated metallic hangars;
- Any buildings (basements, industrial spaces).
Modern terminals are full of equipment that ease all logistics processes. It means the accounting and the requirement to the lightning and temperature.
The main advantage of the large terminals is computerized accounting. It eases the search and extradition of goods. Additional advantages are repacking the goods, the service of marking and sticking the cargos.
There are basement spaces that have special storage conditions among the specialized warehouses. For many categories of shipment, standard warehouses are enough. As a rule, these cargos don’t require any special conditions.
If you choose the warehouse to store metal rolling or building materials, you should pay attention to the security organization. Low prices, absence of ventilation facilities and warehouse techniques are the factors that can cause doubts. Being stored in such buildings, your cargo can be damaged.
As for the truck driver, he can look for the warehouse if the truck breaks down during the run. In this case, there may be a necessity to unload the goods to the warehouse while the truck is being repaired. The driver must pay attention to the package and its condition. Any warehouse which guarantees responsible storage doesn’t take goods in damaged packages.
Taking this into consideration, the experienced drivers ask the producers or senders to change the shipment in the boxes with damaged marks or carton packages.